The CoForTips project: Congo Basin Forests: Tipping Points for Biodiversity Conservation and Resilience of Forested Socio-Ecological Systems.

The CoForTips project is coordinated by CIRAD. It associates the University of Liège, IIASA, IRD and partners of the FORENET Central Africa Network (IRAD Cameroon, Douala University, University of Bangui, IRET Gabon, INDEFOR, University Marien Ngouabi) as well as the autonomous University of Barcelona, ETH-Zurich, the National School of Mines of Paris, the University of Montpellier 2, University of Rennes, and the University of Toulouse 3. The project started in January 2013, runs for three years, and is funded by BiodivERsA.

CoForTips’ objective is to promote better management of the Congo Basin forests, based on:

A better understanding of the dynamics of forest biodiversity and resilience of forested socio-ecosystems (SES),

Building biodiversity dynamics scenarios, based on different time and space scales, and integrating social, economic, governance, environmental and geophysical aspects,

Simulating trajectories of regional development by incorporating adaptation strategies developed by the stakeholders.

These scenarios will constitute decision support tools for economic and political managers at different levels: family, village, region, country, sub-region.